Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

Have you HEARD of the Doomsday Preppers?

            I just saw the show today on a cable channel (I am disturbed about the types of shows out there now - where will it end?).  But this one?  I remember watching  some talk/news/reality segment on a young college female student with all her "apocalyptic" gear and "plans".  Visually, not your typical militia looking co-ed; normal, cute, fit.  But all I could think was... "I don't want to live in her world."  How can any of these people have dreams, much less "the American dream" with such thoughts of devastation, fight for survival, and living on the planet in bunkers with the "flight or fight" mentality???  


           I don't know where they get it from.  Some guy in NY is worried and fortifying his tiny NY apartment from the Wyoming State Yellowstone Volcano ?  Watching the excerpt of him retrieving a food supply from 3 blocks away fully suited for warfare scenario; he's lucky he didn't get shot on the way- HE was scary !!!  AND... his defense for his front door was Charles Bronson-like: broken glass thrown out and down the hallway in front of his door?  Are we all of a sudden bare foot? WTH ???


          IF a major war happens... do you really think being in an underground bunker will save you from the fallout?  No matter how well you plan it out - even Washington can't survive forever, and they have all the money.  And I am flabbergasted that I even know now that one of those billions of containers from China only cost $2500.00 each ??  And they are building an apartment building here in Detroit out of them... nice to know a base price.


           The most disturbing part to me are the children (one wife had her face blurred out, what does that say?).  How do you enjoy childhood and all that it offers when your parents are constantly talking/drilling/worried about an impending doomsday?  This isn't MadMax times !!!  Two touched me the most... First, the man that moved his family to, um, Costa Rica?  Then made his very young daughter (4-ish) watch him slice a chickens neck, after prayer, of course.  Though, my best bet would say the last time she ate chicken was at a KFC.  That's BS, Dad.
           Next came the hung-ho Dad with the wifes' blurred face (definitely not on board) and his two young boys that have weekends taken up by Daddy's obsession.  THEN... I get to ROTFLMMFAO.


           First and foremost... laughing my mother fucking ass off... no acronyms... this pussy passed out over a knuckle.  WHY weren't the kids well trained in first aid?  The damn camera crew had to save you and your thumb in a heli .... AND... they said "get the kids out of here".  What the hell do you think they are going to see when you have them aiming at red and blue fucking balloons representing good and bad people, you fucking idiot?  And you passed out; didn't suck it up, didn't tell your boys to be strong (oh, that's right, you couldn't).  Big tough guy.  Funny banter around your huge kitchen table... months of rehab.... Do you really think that's what's gonna happen when shit hits the fan?  OH... NOW you have the mega of all mega first aid bags.  Good luck with that.  This will definitely be one of my You-Tube favs of all time.


         Where/when will this crap stop?  As individuals we can vote, protest and make our voices heard in a smart way.  To me;  these are extremists, like any other you can compare them to; whether streamline haters, religious freaks, bible-thumpers, the list can go on... right/left wingers, separatists , independents...  I won't see the shit stop in my life time.  And I highly doubt it'll stop in my sons'.  I am not religious... but those of you claiming to do it in GODS' name - will burn in what I think is hell.  A hell of your own making... digging a hole to keep others out, shooting them (who determines who is the red/blue balloon) and so on. Extremists of all walks of life should be ware... only the true pure of heart will prevail... not based on ammunition, religion, or bunker hoarders.  If anything, I do remember hearing "The meek shall inherit the Earth."  I interpret that as "meek does not equal weak" and you will be so busy for a "throne" the peaceful will rise to the top. BOOOYAAAAA!!!


Final thoughts....  this song is NOT only about moms... it's about ALL of us.  Be somebody's FAN.  Stand up and do the right thing, neighbor, stranger, co-worker, mailman, anyone that is being targeted as an underdog... be the SuperHero, no matter how small.  Don't be a downer-doomer... there are good people in this world, down the street, local grocery store, neighborhood cafe, in the parking lot, pass it forward when you can, no matter how small; cause you never know how big it might mean!!

Thank you for reading... let it make a spark, however small.

Embrace the Grey,
Please comment... all welcome!!!

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