I had no clue other than the fact most people wouldn't know the difference between it and a llama, present company included. While planning our vacation for this week I came across an article of sorts about the Gibralter Bay Alpacas in The News Hearld. So our first excursion of the pre-week (they are closed Monday and Tuesday) was off to visit these animals. The lady in the article was there and quickly introduced us to the owner. He was so helpful with information and went beyond anything we could have ever expected. (Sorry, I am terrible with names !!)
They are amazing animals, and I am sorry to say... the way they keep their messes in one place ?? Seriously... thought they were trained. But the owner explained how they use the top of a hill for drain off purposes so as not to cause a cess pool. Really? The picture in the slide show isn't too revealing but you'll get the point.
They are herd animals and have a pecking order, females are separated from males at all times until breeding season, they spit on you - though we were lucky enough not to have experienced that, they can top 50 miles an hour, can see 350 degrees (but I got to pet one receptive cutie), they have sandy areas to roll in (like my cats rolling on the driveway? sorta), and hills that the pecking order is played out on (of course, the males are more inclined to rough it out than the girls).... oh, I know this doesn't cover the least of what he told us !!
Hubby petting TROOPER |
Guess TROOPER likes the smell of nicotine... (he followed us along the fence line)... his soft nose and curiosity were a joy to behold, although peculiar. I was so enthralled with it all that I didn't need a cigarette while in the presence of them all. We did get to meet a pregnant alpaca gal and watch the baby move (no matter what the species) it's an amazing experience. (also in photos - 3 or 4 of them) Grey and white sweetie.
They get different "haircuts" - I compare it to poodles. It's free to visit, donations welcome but not forced, and a gift shop to visit - I bought a pair of socks and a T-shirt ; not an alpaca. But I would go again in a heartbeat.
They are also abutt the Grosse Ile Airport and we watched someone fly their first solo take-off and landing (a few times) and listened to the stories of this amazing owner who takes the time out for a young lady that needs help strolling with an alpaca - animal therapy - and all full of human kindness. If we could all pass it forward half as much? We'd be good.
love this