Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

Amazing Muffin Cups

      It's not very often I see a recipe in the coupons and find it appealing to try at least for a first time.  Plus I am a picky eater and more times than not some of the ingredients are icky.  This sounded right up my alley, or oven as it would be.      


     Dennis likes to call them birds nests.  There really is no end to what you could do with these little beauties !  I took samples to work and everyone asked for the recipe.  It might seem a bit tedious but like the picture above - you can order eggs, sausage and hash browns all day long at a restaurant.  These are nice to make in advance to take to work. (They microwave very well.)  I think next time we will have some good old Bob Evans sausage gravy over them.

Dennis likes french toast with peanut butter and syrup.  I think it's an assault to the palate at that time of the morning, like eating a big plate of Reese cups !  And a couple times we have gone to our restaurant they were out.  He swore we would walk out if that was the case, they were and he pouted over his biscuits and gravy. Now we have solved that problem by getting those single serve Jiffy cups.  As long as we remember to take them.


the good the dad and the Baby
He's better at cooking and photography !!
A fellow News Herald blogger.

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