Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

A New Twist On Pizza

       Sounds crazy? Well, maybe. A girlfriend, Ann, brought in one of those magazines with all slow cooker recipes and I think I found about 4 or 5 out of 100 recipes I thought I'd like to try.  Though I had her copy those few, this one really doesn't need much instruction. Whatever you like on a pizza - you throw in the pot.

     You do have to cook any raw meats before you slow cook them. I made a meat lovers concoction with hot italian sausage, pepperoni, and bacon MMMmmm !! I used Ragu's traditional pizza sauce - 2.5 jars with all the fixings then covered with mozzarella cheese, on high for 2 hours. Believe me when I say I needed twice the amount - because we love leftovers and love to share with family and friends. Sooooo. . . there wasn't any left for a second helping! 
     I guess you could use whatever you wanted for scooping but I took pita bread and spread butter on each side (one at a time) and "toasted" it in the frying pan - melt mozzarella cheese on the last side then cut into finger sized pieces to devour the yummy slop in the bowl! I wanted to try it before a poker party or  other informal get together. I think it will be a huge hit as it will be so much better than the typical cardboard box delivered to the front door.
     My SOT (Superior Operating Technician at work)  tried his sample and said it would be great for a Super Bowl party!! We are always trying different food recipes, so if I run across another "bloggable" recipe, I'll be sure to share it!!!

Pizza Bake
   Kids love these:  
Use biscuits flattened out as mini pizza dough or you can form them inside a muffin pan! 


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