Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

A Computer Room Fix - and Red Wing inspiration.......

      We were remodeling my sons' old bedroom and I like to have themes or inspiring decor. So I decided wall numero uno would be a  Detroit Red Wings  WALL !! But in the last photograph you will see we added a bit extra to mess with people (his kids and our friend, Kelly) as we are not into college football. (Please no hate mail for not being head over heels for U of M.) I think my son is going to WSU

       I have my computer desk wall with animals - mostly lions in memory of Dennis' dad, Leo.  Our wedding center piece (encased with an up-side-down vase and wood carved to hold in place), Tweety bird catch-all in memory of my mom, and that's why you only see the top shelf - I need to re-organize!!!


     Dennis loves dragons, fantasy weapons and
displays his inherited younger brothers' sword set.
The wall needs some tender loving care but when the door is open, the wall looks fuller.  He "stole" my sons' dragon light (Spencer's has the coolest stuff!) and the poster an artist signed at the Renaissance Festival.  We had to have custom built cabinets to fit and hold all our extra computer gadgets and papers, etc... (to the right in picture)

      The fourth (okay, last wall)  is "Family Photo Wall" and we are still building on it (wait wait wait - I only mean framing pictures, not adding children!) He has 5 adult children, 14 grand babies, 3 sisters... and I have my son, but it is even on the wall - all love.
Yes, you do see an "O-O-Ohio" sweatshirt made into a pillow!

Below you will see the finished product! I think we are done, as there is not much room left!


     Obviously, full of Red Wing decor, but I want to point out the 2 red dogs, they were purchased to support the 3 day Susan G. Komen walk, Leo's pool stick engraved with his birth/death date, Sparty boy that actually was found in a Salvation Army (he still dances and sings!), Oh - notice the shelf above the window - made to look like a puck going top corner, yeah, my brainchild but made by my stepson-in-law, who did our custom cabinets.  Even better? The 4" pvc piping made to look like the goal also the netting to be more realistic!  Hard hat that I can't wear because the company wants all of us to look alike (now everyone has white hats and nobody knows when a boss is coming, LOL!!!) The baseball mitt, bat, and homerun ball donated by my son as was his 13th birthday airhorn that we now use to celebrate all goals made by the Wings!!! And scare the crap out of the cats!  Use to drive the dogs nuts.   
It was a joy to watch it all unfold and build it together. 
TC Downriver- my heart and home, even if I do hate the coming season! xoxoxoxo


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