Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

Reincarnation ????

     Who believes it?  Or to what depth? I honestly don't know what I believe, but I have to explain that my experience gives me pause, at the least.  I wrote that my husband is a "dog" person and I am basically both (cat and dog).  He wanted to buy a Maine Coon kitten, but we ended up with mixed because we decided to rescue instead. We searched Pet Finder  and found an adorable kitten through Shelter To Home ...

"Who wouldn't fall in love?"
... and were  head over heels for her, called the foster mom to set up an appointment.  We got there,  the meet and greet situation is all good. We see another kitten that reminds me of my 19-year-old Gizmo - but, of course, she has a deposit on her.  While we are sitting in the small computer room and meeting baby cats, we are told our kitten Belle  (our name for her became "Jo" - both our mothers were named Joanne) has a twin sister - which will NOT come out of hiding! Remember - small room, little furniture - can't find the wench, really?  WE are trying to SAVE you!!!  No sign of her.
      Now, they have recovered from their surgeries and we go to pick our Jo up. My ever sweet husband takes me there and waits outside in work boots (took me on his lunch break) so when I call him on the cell phone.... he's like "huh?" I told him the twin sister finally came out of hiding and I wanted both ? Please?  *bats eyelashes* (over the phone - it can be done)  He says yes, we take 2 black kittens home

Our Twins Joanne & Jazmine

  and "mine" is the one that hid but swear she is my Gizmo - coming back to me. Not in a weird way, but I am convinced, because only I know my gal - and this wench must have talked to her ... ahhhhhhhh  Sad and sweet at the same time really or just a way to hold onto what was so good to know? And really, does it matter?  Believe in what works for you and what makes you feel good. To me?  It goes to show - what you were black/white about - might change, depending on the circumstances.


     I will post a picture of the old kitty gal as soon as I learn how to scan and send and paste and copy, etc. All her pictures are old school, non-digital, and on kodak paper?

     Watch out world --->>> I have mastered the scanner !!  Here's my gal, as promised.

R.I.P. Gizmo 1986 - 2005

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