Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

The Lil' Appalacians

      If you like country driving, rolling hills and breath-taking scenery - you're only about 4 hours away !!  Well, that is if you are  245  miles from Hocking Hills.  The slide show reveals the crevices and "caves" and over-whelming nature while trekking the numerous attractions.  But even in-between the drives to these areas it affords you views of very relaxing and decidedly untouched wildlife.  I always enjoy the farms, endless sights of greenery and watching deer, depending on the time of day or night.

     There  isn't a lot more I can say that the pictures (though amateur) don't show.  We enjoyed our stay beyond the scenery by visiting the antique/resale stores (they had so much I am sure we missed something we would have bought!!)  Wood worked furniture was awesome (not for our backyard) but still very nice.    There are small country stores to visit, some way off the beaten path, but that's why they call them 'country miles' !

     Best advice... wear walking shoes,  go in spring or fall (heat would have killed us!) decide if you want to take the high road (I am afraid of heights) so we took the trails down, have back-up batteries/memory for camera, research and make a plan... again, it's country roads and you can get turned around.  We missed a few places due to weather, fatigue and losing our whereabouts (GPS came in handy at times), but plan to go back and explore again.  The website I linked to can tell you a lot but if you have any questions? I will do my best to give you advice.  And now I say -->> you don't want to pass this up.  It's a very good vacation, just don't treat it like a marathon and you will enjoy it immensely !!

Happy Trails !!!


..and green !!!

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