Pizza in a Slow Cooker . . . Melting pot of thoughts, ideas, and stories of family, love and throwing everything in but the kitchen sink.

MEET An Amazing...


     I met this woman over the airwaves of a cell phone and mostly listened to her.  You can learn alot by listening.  I had been told some of the background in bits and pieces over time.  Young and stubborn, as we all can be at the age of sixteen, but in love.  The parents that will try anything to keep you close and safe.  Brought you back from miles away just to watch you leave again, against their better judgement.  Hindsight is 20/20 but looking from the outside in? It's a different view.  I saw a strong girl following her heart and perhaps running away from something, but who decides her choice is right or wrong?  I believe the ends justify the means.

     How can anyone say she made a wrong choice when she has three wonderful children, a loving husband and a blessed home?  And this has been years since she "ran away".  I don't know that many young marriages could have weathered the storms this young couple went and are going through: it humbles me.  Different 'homes'  all made special by the wife and mother.  I do not mean to take away from the four other people involved in this family- husband, daughter and two sons.  They also sacrificed to help the whole of the household.  Children learned early on that physical aide around the house was not only requested but necessary for the good of all.  Those of us without limited motion and spoiled heirs may not get this.  I was most surprised by the lack of resentment from those very kids that were asked to do so much. They are polite, well-behaved and humorous.  Having some history knowledge, I think this woman knew what she was taught and decided to change the legacy.  I applaud her for that, more from my own experience than the information I have.  

     I can't give every little detail to help you comprehend the situation... she's had at least three back surgeries, her husband had his first recently, no money coming in, rent to pay for a trailer on the father-in-law's property, growing teenagers, the list goes on and on...
     But, what you really need to know is the heart of this woman...

AMAZING...  Though she is in one of the toughest times of her/their lives... she has the time and consideration to listen to other peoples problems... in such a way you would not know she's in need.  You become the star, main topic and she focuses on you with calm resolve, logic and objectivity,  a calmness that belies her age and you will walk away lifted and optimistic... even though she is 500 miles away !!
       Just want to point out that this girl welcomed me into her family with open arms, talked to me near and far, e-mailed me and has indeed been my friend in spirit- we both love the same man...

her dad....  

Thank you April for being there for me and your Dad.

We love you, always XOXOXOXO


1 comment:

  1. lora, again thank you. for not only the things you have done for me but now for your kind words. trying to get this to my facebook page. again thank you, love you i will call in a few days.
